Men beware -- It turns out you can actually be nagged to death.

According to a Danish study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, men who are exposed to constant worries and demands from their partner have almost double the risk of dying young.

The study looked at a cohort group of 9,875 men and women between the ages of 36 and 52 that were quizzed on their lives and relationships in 2000 and found that men subjected to frequent nagging by their partners had a higher rate of mortality (135 extra deaths per 100,000) than those who said they had a nag-free relationship.

Women are affected less than men, the study says.

“Stressful social relations are associated with increased mortality risk among middle-aged men and women for a variety of different social roles,” an abstract accompanying the study concludes. “Those outside the labour force and men seem especially vulnerable to exposure.”

Though the study found that having a high maintenance partner can increase your risk of death, it suggested that unemployment could be an even bigger factor with about 462 additional mortalities per 100,000 people.

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