On behalf of the City of Vaughan and Members of Council, I wish to publicly thank the people and organizations that quickly and effectively responded to the emergency resulting from the tornado of Thursday, August 20. I also want to recognize and express my admiration for the citizens of Vaughan who displayed such courage and spirit in coming together as a community under such trying circumstances.

From the earliest moments of the storm, our first responders were on site providing assistance and restoring order. Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service and York Regional Police once again demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism as they put our citizens' safety and well-being before their own. These fine men and women are a credit to our City and to their professions.

Very quickly the City activated our Emergency Management Plan. Essential and front-line City staff, emergency services and representatives from other levels of government and associated agencies established an Emergency Operations Centre. The comprehensive response to this emergency involved thousands of hours and hundreds of people, all performing their jobs, all managing a very stressful situation despite any concerns about being away from their own families. I know every resident would join me in thanking our City staff for their dedication and commitment.

Following the initial shock of the tornado, a network of support services was quickly established. The City is grateful to the Canadian Red Cross, York Region Community Services, our local utilities and our business community for providing the support needed to put our community back on its feet.

There were many acts of bravery and moments of kindness that allowed our community to survive this emergency and become the stronger for it. I am proud of everyone.

Yours very sincerely,

Linda D. Jackson, Mayor

City of Vaughan