With less than one month left until current city councillors wind up their terms, the Toronto Sun has published a list of interesting ways some spent taxpayer money through their office budgets.

The list includes $400 for a permit for a fetish party in a city-owned park, $320 for a SpongeBob SquarePants inflatable party bouncer and about $3,000 for more French lessons for Adam Giambrone.

Giambrone charged taxpayers a total of $10,898 for French lessons over his four-year term.

The Sun reported that outgoing councillor Kyle Rae expensed a permit for "Leatherball in the Park" to his office budget.

Joe Mihevic charged taxpayers $320.92 for a SpongeBob SquarePants bouncer for Environment Day at Wychwood Barns.

Councillors have an office budget of more than $46,000 a year. Mayor-elect Rob Ford wants to lower their budgets to $30,000 annually.