TORONTO - Helene Campbell is back at her "home away from home" in Toronto.

A blog post from her mother, Manon, says the 21-year-old double lung transplant recipient from Ottawa has been discharged from Toronto General Hospital and is "feeling well."

Campbell was admitted to hospital Sunday after experiencing shortness of breath when walking and while at rest.

Her mother says many tests were conducted, and the family and doctors are waiting for the results to make "adjustments to her medication treatment."

Helene was initially discharged from Toronto General Hospital last Friday following the transplant surgery on April 6.

The blog post says that for the first time since surgery, and especially for the past few nights, "Helene is able to have some great deep sleep." She has also returned to her physiotherapy on a treadmill.

Campbell was diagnosed with advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis last October and became the unofficial face of organ donation in Canada after attracting celebrity endorsements for her cause.

Pop superstar Justin Bieber helped catapult Campbell into the spotlight by endorsing her campaign.

Campbell later appeared on Ellen DeGeneres' daytime talk show via Skype and has been invited to return in person once she recovers.

Campbell has been keeping her supporters posted on her progress through her blog -- -- and her Twitter account, which currently boasts more than 14,000 followers.