TORONTO - A Nazi-hunting revenge fantasy and an account of an Irish prison hunger strike are co-winners of the Toronto Film Critics Association's best picture award.

Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" and Steve McQueen's "Hunger" were named the top films of 2009 after an online vote by Toronto film reporters and broadcasters.

It's an unprecedented deadlock for the association, which also handed McQueen the prize for best first feature.

Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" also tied with Jason Reitman's "Up In the Air" for best screenplay, while Kathryn Bigelow was named best director for her work on "The Hurt Locker."

Acting nods went to Nicolas Cage for his leading role as a drug-addled homicide cop in "The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans," and Carey Mulligan for her turn as a '60s London schoolgirl in "An Education."

Wes Anderson's "Fantastic Mr. Fox" was named best animated feature while "The Cove," an expose of Japan's dolphin slaughter, won the Allan King Documentary Award.