Figuring out the fate of the take-out coffee cup is costing time and money at City Hall.

A 40-member task force still hasn't decided what to do with the 350 million cups we use in Toronto every year.

The city set up the task force in December, but they won't be meeting their April deadline to report back because they need more time. A decision is now expected in June.

More than $50,000 has been spent on consultant's reports in the coffee cup debate. The city says it is money well spent.

Ward 38, city councilor Glenn de Baermaeker says if the city were to try to recycle the cups, it may cost the tax payer $3 to $5 million to retrofit the recycling plans and then another million a year to operate it.

"If I was to ask the average taxpayer do you want to spend $50,000 to save you $3 million a year or $10 million over the next 10 years I think most taxpayers would say yeah spend the $50,000 if you think you can save me $5 or $10 million," he says.