Toronto city councillors will begin debating how to spend the city's $2 billion capital budget on Tuesday.

They'll have a lot to talk about, as the budget covers infrastructure systems including sewers, roads and bike paths. 

As the country grapples with a recession, many councillors are saying projects that aren't essential services should be put on hold.

Projects being attacked include a $40 million overhaul of Nathan Phillips Square and $70 million for new bike paths. 

Many also say plans to renovate Union Station should be shelved.

According to Coun. Doug Holyday, $15 out of every 100 tax dollars will go toward paying down the city's debt if it goes ahead with the big ticket items.

The opposition flies in the face of the logic being used by federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.

Earlier Monday, Flaherty says the federal government will pump money into building things like roads, bridges and sewers in order to keep jobs and battle the growing economic crisis.