The Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association (TPFFA) was contacted by the family of firefighter Bob Leek and at the request of Jim Leek (Bob's Brother) and Fulvia Leek (Bob's widow), issued this statement:

We the family of Bob Leek after listening to the reports in the media over the past week would like to state that we were more than satisfied with the actions of Mayor David Miller in regard to the death and funeral of our beloved family member Bob Leek. 

Mayor Miller contacted us directly by phone and offered heartfelt condolences over the passing of Bob. 

When the date of the funeral was announced the Mayor contacted us a second time to express his dismay that he would be out of town, attending a family birthday celebration for his daughter and would not be able to attend the funeral service. 

He indicated he would be sending condolences to the service and offered whatever assistance he could provide to our family in this time of need.  We stated that we understood and in our view, Bob being a family oriented person would also not want the Mayor to forfeit this important time with his family.

Many in the media and political arena have taken issue with the Mayor's action; this concern is not shared by our family and we support the Mayor and his decision.

We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify the incorrect statements that have appeared in the media regarding the cause of death.  The official cause of death has not been issued and the family in no way has withheld or obstructed its release. 

The family patiently awaits the Coroner's official cause of death.

Jim Leek and Fulvia Leek