HAMILTON, Ont. - Testimony from a man believed to be the first in Canada convicted of murder through HIV transmission has been put off until Wednesday.

Johnson Aziga was set to take the stand today at his dangerous offender hearing after two other witnesses to apologize to his victims.

But his lawyers asked for an adjournment after those witnesses didn't show up, saying Aziga hadn't expected to testify so soon and wasn't mentally prepared to do so.

The 54-year-old was found guilty in April 2009 of two counts of first-degree murder, 10 counts of aggravated sexual assault and one count of attempted aggravated sexual assault.

He has never spoken publicly, but his lawyers said last week he wanted to express his remorse and try to explain himself after court heard victim impact statements.

Aziga's convictions are related to 11 women with whom he had unprotected sex and did not tell them he had the virus that causes AIDS.

Seven of the women became infected, with two dying of AIDS-related cancers.

If deemed a dangerous offender, Aziga can be jailed indefinitely. He has been in custody since his arrest on Aug. 30, 2003.