Mayor Rob Ford made a trio of public appearances today as he tried to move on from a scandal surrounding alleged drug use that has consumed city hall.

After spending close to three weeks avoiding the press, Ford visited a Scarborough Tim Horton’s for a morning photo-op before viewing a mural near Kingston Road and Victoria Park Avenue early this afternoon and finishing his day with an inspection of the soon-to-be-repaired Dufferin Street bridge shortly before dinner time.

“I work hard every day and if you want to perceive that as a campaign you can,” Ford told reporters during a news conference held to discuss the impending closure of the Dufferin Street bridge on June 12. “We are just starting up the motor here and getting things tuned up. Once we get to a full campaign I’ll be up to 15 or 20 events a day.”

Controversy has swirled around the mayor since Gawker and the Toronto Star reported on May 16 that they had seen an alleged cellphone video in which Ford appears to be smoking from a glass pipe.

At the time, the Star reported that they had been approached by drug dealers who wanted to sell the video for a six-figure sum, but the newspaper declined and the alleged video has not yet surfaced, nor has it been authenticated.

Ford has denied the existence of the video and has said that he does not smoke crack cocaine, but he has refused to answer direct questions from reporters concerning the allegations.

Asked again about the allegations during an appearance to help mark Camp Day Wednesday morning, Ford said he has said everything he has to say.

“I am moving forward and I have been moving forward for the last two-and-a-half years,” Ford said after buying a medium coffee for himself and two dozen donuts to take back to his staff. “I save taxpayers money, I work hard and return every call and go out and visit everybody that needs to see me and that’s what a mayor is supposed to do.”

Gawker raised more than $200,000 in a bid to buy the alleged video, but on Tuesday evening the editor of the U.S. website said his source has now told him that the video is "gone."

Speaking with CP24 Wednesday afternoon, Coun. Doug Ford lashed out at various media outlets for reporting on the alleged video in the first place.

“I think the media has to take responsibility for writing stories that aren’t corroborated by anyone because that has done a lot of damage,” he said. “When’s the media going to tell the real story about the Ford’s and not this fantasy story?”

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