Mayor Rob Ford was mobbed by fans and onlookers as he attended the Leafs game against the Winnipeg Jets at the Air Canada Centre Saturday night.

Wearing a Leafs jersey with his name on it, Ford appeared to be in good spirits as he sat in the stands with Coun. Frank Di Giorgio.

While there were reports on social media midway through the game that Ford had been forcibly removed by security, the mayor returned to his seat after walking about the stadium for a while.

Ford was mobbed by fans after leaving the arena as well, with many surrounding the mayor and chanting “Ford more years.”

“It’s never over till it’s over,” Ford told CP24 outside the ACC when asked about the Leafs’ diminishing playoff hopes.

Then responding to a fan who encouraged the mayor to put his arm around his girlfriend for a picture, Ford replied: “She’s your girl, not mine man. I’m happily married, buddy. I’m good.”

Ford then said he had to catch a cab to city hall. He was spotted crossing the street illegally to do so.

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