Mayor Rob Ford says he was not drinking at a Toronto Maple Leafs game over the weekend nor was he intoxicated.

Ford made the comment to reporters at city hall on Monday afternoon, calling suggestions that he was under the influence and was warned by security about his behaviour nothing more than “rumour and innuendo.”

“You are trying to find something that is not there. There is absolutely nothing there,” Ford said. “I was getting mobbed, which I thank the supporters a lot for. I never got kicked out of the game, I had a great time and that is pretty much it.”

Ford reportedly grew upset when he was refused access to the Director’s Lounge between periods on Saturday, an area he had been allowed into in the past.

One video posted to Tumblr showed a visibly agitated Ford leaning against a wall and saying “it’s bulls---,” to an Air Canada Centre security guard, though there is no way to verify when the video was taken.

Speaking with reporters Monday, Ford said he was not irate as some have suggested but was upset because he believed he was refused access as payback for a vote he cast against providing Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment with a $10 million loan to help expand BMO Field.

For its part, MLSE has told CP24 that Ford was refused access to the lounge due to a private event that was taking place.

“We are not a bank and I don’t believe in giving out $10 million,” Ford said Monday. “If they are upset with me fine; I am not upset with them.”

Di Giorgio discusses night with Ford

Ford attended the Maple Leafs game with Coun. Frank Di Giorgio and was reportedly followed by a mob wherever he went.

Discussing the night with reporters on Monday, Di Giorgio said he did not witness the mayor having anything to drink though he said he “suspects there may have been a drink or two” consumed.

“He was not drinking during the game. Anytime we went into a private box and someone offered him a drink he said flatly he wasn't drinking. But I may have turned around to watch the game. I can't with 100 per cent certainty say he didn't have a drink,” Di Giorgio said. “He is animated or he is very, very reclusive and if he is an animated state I suspect there may have been a drink or two. When? I don’t know.”

As for the mayor’s anger at being refused access to the Director’s Lounge, Di Giorgio said it has been largely blown out of proportion.

“He was not in a combative mood. Perhaps he was upset by message he got and maybe irate but I don’t think he was ready to tangle with anybody and everybody,” he said. “He wasn't pushing his way to the lounge and insisting he be given access. He basically went up against a wall, invited people to come take pictures while at the same time communicating that ‘the only reason I am being kept out is for A, B and C.’”

Mayor went to office after game

Following Saturday’s Leafs game, Ford went to his city hall office, where he remained until 1:30 a.m., according to a City of Toronto spokesperson.

Ford then contacted security to have them order him a taxi to Muzik nightclub, where he was later photographed with a number of patrons.

It is not known what Ford was doing in the office, but a City of Toronto spokesperson told CP24 that he was there with two other people for most of the night.

“I can do whatever I want. It is my office. You guys ask stupid questions,” Ford said, before walking away from reporters Monday.

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