TORONTO -- A man who witnessed the slow and ultimately fatal starvation of a five-year-old boy at the hands of his grandparents was "bugged" by the abuse, but didn't want to "create friction" by reporting it, he told an inquest Tuesday.

When Jeffrey Baldwin died in November 2002, weeks shy of his sixth birthday, he weighed 21 pounds -- about the same as he did on his first birthday.

His grandparents, Elva Bottineau and Norman Kidman, had been granted custody of Jeffrey and his three siblings despite having previous child abuse convictions. They were ultimately convicted of second-degree murder in his death and are serving life sentences.

A coroner's inquest into Jeffrey's death heard Tuesday from one of the six adults living in Bottineau and Kidman's house at the time. Mike Reitemeier was living in the east-end Toronto home with his partner, Bottineau and Kidman's daughter Tammy, and their two children.

Reitemeier did not testify at Bottineau and Kidman's trial so the inquest was the first time he has spoken publicly about what Jeffrey went through.

In the last few days of Jeffrey's life, the boy was so weakened that he had trouble standing, eating and even holding his head up, Reitemeier said.

"I sort of had it in my head that he wasn't going to, he wasn't going to make it," Reitemeier told the inquest.

Coroner's counsel Jill Witkin asked him if he ever called 911 or children's aid. He hadn't.

"I should have," Reitemeier said. "I mean, I torture myself every day since this has happened...I don't know why I didn't do something."

But he also said he kept quiet because he was afraid Bottineau would kick his family out of the house, where they were living for free, sleeping in the living room. Reitemeier, Tammy Kidman and their two children were supposed to move out on Dec. 1, 2002, the day after Jeffrey died.

Reitemeier saw Jeffrey and one of his sisters locked in their bedroom at night, and they urinated and defecated in there because they couldn't get out, he said.

The children were forced to clean up their mess with paper towels, but the room smelled so foul that it wafted through the house as soon as the door was opened, he said.

Witkin asked Reitemeier if it bothered him that Bottineau made the kids clean up their own fecal matter, especially having two young children of his own in the house at the time.

"Yeah, it bugged me," he said. "At that point Tammy and my kids had no place to go so I was trying in a way not to create friction between Elva and Tammy and everything."

If anyone expressed concern about Jeffrey, Bottineau would tell them he had just seen a doctor and was healthy, Reitemeier said. In fact, the inquest has heard, Jeffrey hadn't been taken to a doctor since he was about 1 1/2 years old.

The inquest has heard from a pediatric nutritionist that Jeffrey's dire condition would have been apparent to anyone who saw him, especially in the last months of his life. A pathologist testified that Jeffrey would have suffered greatly at the end as his body would have been too weak to keep up with the rapid breathing necessitated by the pneumonia that ultimately killed him.

Everyone in the house was "scared" to confront Bottineau about Jeffrey's treatment, Reitemeier said. But the morning of Nov. 30, Elva had been planning to go for a job interview and Reitemeier had a "plan," he said.

"My plan was to wait until she left...and I would have taken him to the hospital or called somebody to come to the house and look at him," Reitemeier said.