Toronto police are looking for a number of items in connection with the death of a York University student.

Qian Liu, 23, was found dead in her basement apartment on Aldwinckle Heights late Friday morning, 10 hours after she was involved in a struggle with a man.

The struggle occurred in the apartment while Liu, an international student, was engaged in an online webcam chat with a friend in her hometown of Beijing.

Police say Liu was chatting with the person when someone knocked on her door. She answered and was met by a man, who asked to use her cellphone.

A struggle ensued and police say part of it was witnessed by the friend in Beijing. After a few minutes the man closed the laptop.

On Tuesday Det. Sgt. Frank Skubic appealed to the public for help in locating the missing IBM ThinkPad T400 along with a Nokia 5800 cellphone and external webcam belonging to Liu.

"I'm appealing to the community to be on the alert and if you see a discarded laptop, webcam or phone notify us immediately," he said.

Skubic said authorities still haven't determined the cause of Liu's death, but are treating it as suspicious.

He also said that police have spoken to a person of interest in the investigation, but cautioned against identifying him as a suspect.

"We interviewed this person very early on in the investigation and are working on excluding him as a suspect in connection with Ms Liu's death," he said.

Liu attended York University's English Language Institute. She arrived in Canada in September.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call police at 416-808-7399 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 416-222-8477.