Toronto is headed towards one of its driest summers on record, says an Environment Canada official.

According to senior climatologist Dave Phillips, the city has only seen six millimeters of rainfall in the last three weeks. That's compared with 121 millimeters during the same period last year and an average of 51 during the same period overall

Phillips told CP24 that it's hard to find a reason for the dryness, but said the trend doesn't appear likely to end anytime soon as rain isn't forecasted until at least Monday.

"The trees in Toronto may look okay, but they are suffering right now," he said. "Things are very dry and gardeners and farmers are getting antsy."

Overall, Toronto has had eight days over 30 C so far this summer, but Phillips says smog is actually down. So far there have been only two smog alerts. Generally by this time there would have been 10.

"It could be a combination of reduced coal fire plant usage, people being more green and winds coming from the south west rather than directly south," he said.