More than 5,000 applications for personalized Ontario licence plates were rejected in 2023 due to sexual references, abusive language, and copyright issues.

The list includes personalized licence plates ordered between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31 of last year, which were rejected following ministry review. Personalized plates can include between two to eight characters using a mix of letters and numbers. Applications will not be accepted if the number and letter combinations are already in use.

There are multiple reasons why a personalized licence plate can be rejected.

First off, they cannot include sexual messages, obscene language or slang. Some examples of rejected plates include: 00FKSGVN, CRAZBTCH, FRIGSAKE, IM.L8.AF, STU.PITT, and SHIT.SHW.

Applications referencing the use or sale of drugs or alcohol—like CRKADICT, GRASSBOY and GUINNE5S—are also not allowed.

A sole rejection for the licence plate LOLL was listed under graphics and characters, which prevents a combination of letters and numbers that would violate a contract with a graphic partner.

The ministry rejects personalized licence plates that include political opinions, negative or derogatory messages towards the government, or references to well-known figures. Examples from 2023 include: ATTORNYS, COP2SLO, FORDLOL, and OMG.KING.

The government also prohibits the use of licence plates that include messages of contempt, ridicule or superiority of race, religion, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, family status, physical characteristics, disability or political affiliation.

Under “violence and criminal activity”—which includes messages that could promote discrimination, bias or illegal actions—rejected licence plates include: BAD.BOIS, BANKROBR, CRIMZ, HACKERR, and KLJOY.

Multiple firearm-related options were also turned down.

A number of plates were rejected due to religious implications, as well as clarity and readability issues for law enforcement officers. These include plates with more than four identical characters in sequence and interchangeable letters and numbers, making it difficult for officers to distinguish.

If applicants aren’t happy with the ministry’s rejection, they do have a right to a second review. The ministry said those named in 2023 may be removed from the list later if approved.