The father of Jun Lin, the Chinese Concordia University student who was murdered and dismembered by Luka Magnotta, condemned his son’s killer as being “worse than a beast.”

"What he did is very cruel," an interpreter said on behalf of Diran Lin in Lin’s first address to media Monday morning in Montreal.

Lin, who speaks neither English nor French, paused several times to wipe tears from his eyes as he spoke. He said he struggles to understand why Magnotta committed the crimes that he did.

The grieving father came from China to attend the trial everyday hoping to find answers. But Magnotta declined to testify on the witness stand, and Lin expressed regret that his motives remain a mystery.

Magnotta was found guilty last week of first-degree murder in the 2012 slaying and dismemberment of Jun Lin, 33. He received an automatic life sentence with no possibility of parole for 25 years. He was also sentenced to 19 years in prison, to be served concurrently, for committing an indignity to a human body, publishing obscene material, harassing members of Parliament and mailing obscene and indecent material.

Lin praised Canada’s legal system as “just and fair” even though the process to arrive at Magnotta’s guilty verdict was long. He said the week it took the jury to deliberate seemed especially long and he was very worried during this time.

“I feel very, very tired,” Lin said.

Much of the trial focused on Magnotta’s state of mind during the murder, but Lin said he does not believe mental illness is to blame for Magnotta’s crimes which were premeditated.

Reporters asked Lin if he would have preferred to have the trial in China which has the death penalty. In response, Lin said Canadian officials told him it was not possible to hold the trial in China, but that he respects Canada’s laws and is happy that Magnotta got the harshest penalty possible.

After the verdict from the 12-member jury was announced, Lin said he called his family back home in China to deliver the news. The whole family is satisfied with the verdict, he said.

Jun Lin’s mother was unable to attend the trial because she is under the care of a doctor due to health issues, but she was even closer to their son, Lin said.

Reflecting on his son’s journey to Canada, Lin said he had never heard of Montreal until his son expressed a desire to visit the city. He trusted Jun Lin’s judgment who assured him that Montreal is safe and gave him his blessings to begin studying computer engineering at Concordia University.

After his son moved in 2011, Lin said they spoke at least once a week through online video chats. Jun Lin’s work, studies and safety in an unfamiliar city dominated their conversations.

Jun Lin always told his parents not to worry about his safety, his father said through the interpreter.

Still, Lin said he considers Montreal to be “very nice” with polite and warm-hearted people. When asked if he would return to Canada, he said he would, stressing that he understands that Magnotta does not reflect Canadian society.

Many people have approached Lin offering to hug and comfort him, but he has been unable to communicate verbally with them because of the language barrier, he said.

He also said he intends to stay in touch with his son’s friends at Concordia University and a Chinese students’ association.

Lin will return to China in January. His lawyer Daniel Urbas said he has collected $15,000 to date in donations for a fund to support the Lin family.

Lin said his son’s death has left him so bereft, he is unable to work, look for a job or even think about the future.

"Losing a son means losing everything to me," Lin said.

With files from The Canadian Press

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