TORONTO - The royal couple took Canada's most populous city by storm Tuesday as they sampled Toronto's diverse cultural offerings, from testing cutting-edge digital technology to cranking out urban beats from a DJ turntable.

Prince Charles and Camilla were greeted with cheers and curtsies on the second day of their whirlwind cross-country tour, which took them from the Ontario legislature to a downtown mission for disadvantaged youth.

While Charles took centre stage at the formal events, it was Camilla who seemed to reign over the crowds waiting at each stop.

Well-wishers shouted her name at the legislature Tuesday morning, trying to catch her eye as she and Prince Charles walked among them.

They handed Camilla bouquets after bouquet and pointed her out to their children -- mostly young girls, many of them waving miniature Diamond Jubilee flags.

Enthusiastic admirers dogged the duchess throughout the morning, and she lingered to chat with them, paying particular attention to infants and children.

Charles, meanwhile, seemed content to let his wife steal the limelight, though he received a few flowers of his own.

But it was the prince who took the spotlight at the military muster at Fort York Armoury to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812.

Clad in the dark green uniform of a Lieutenant General of the Canadian Army, Charles inspected the Guard of Honour as Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Defence Minister Peter MacKay and Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Walt Natynczyk looked on.

The royal couple later spoke privately to the families of fallen soldiers, then joined members of the military in the officers' mess to unwind and chat.

Charles and Camilla began the day together, joining Lt.-Gov. David Onley for the presentation of Diamond Jubilee medals, awarded in honour of the Queen's 60th anniversary on the throne.

The pair then split up for separate events, with the prince heading to Ryerson University for a tour of its digital media zone.

Charles tested out innovative new technology produced by student entrepreneurs and seemed particularly impressed by a robot that welcomed him with "Hello, Your Royal Highness" before bowing.

The prince then headed to the site of the athletes village for the 2015 Pan American and Parapan American Games, where he met with athletes and even played a quick round of badminton with Michelle Li, who won gold at the Pan Am Games last year.

He also spoke out about his efforts to help at-risk youth through the Prince's Charities organization while visiting the Yonge Street Mission, established by his great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

He listened as young men and women described how they managed to lift themselves out of poverty and crime and turn their lives around, along with big bank CEOs who are partnering with charitable organizations to make a difference.

"You've heard fascinating stories, horrifying stories in many ways, about what people have had to endure in their lives and have been able to overcome them," Charles said. "Very often in some ways with help from marvellous organizations -- charities or inspiring people who have been able to encourage with new hope and inspiration."

The prince made his way to another urban neighbourhood by public transit bus, stopping to chat with immigrants and low-income youth learning new skills such as fashion design and urban music. Charles even took a turn spinning some tracks from a DJ turntable, as one of the instructors guided him along.

Camilla made her way solo to the Moss Park Armoury, where she inspected an Honour Guard from the Queen's Own Rifles, for which she is the honorary Colonel-in-Chief.

After she unveiled her portrait, Camilla told those gathered she was "deeply honoured" to be visiting the regiment in person for the first time since her appointment in 2010.

"It has been a huge pleasure for me to meet so many serving soldiers, their families, and many veterans here today," she said. "It is quite clear that your desire to serve Canada and uphold the standards of the Queen's Own Rifles is second to none."

As she left the armoury, a small crowd pressed against the fence, whistling and calling her name.

The couple met up again for a reception hosted by Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty at the historic Distillery District, where throngs of eager supporters awaited their arrival.

The crowd's attention seemed evenly split, with camera phones aimed at both royals as they ambled down the walkway.

Beth Kates, who brought her three-week-old son Aaron, waited outside in the hot sun for an hour with her sleeping baby strapped to her chest and a flannel blanket to shield him from the light. All in the hope that she would meet the royals and shake their hand.

"We just decided to come out. It's a nice day and thought it would be fun to try to get him to meet a real prince," she said.

"This is my little prince and we're going to meet the big prince."

Aaron didn't meet the prince, but he did earn a smile from the duchess, who seemed drawn to the youngest well-wishers everywhere she went.

The premier thanked Charles and Camilla for their work, saying it continues to be an example for Canadians and people around the world.

"When you visit us, we clearly see for ourselves your dedication to humanitarian causes and your unflagging service to others," he said.

They got a soggy Saskatchewan greeting Tuesday night when their plane touched down in the midst of a rainstorm in Regina.

With no official events scheduled for the evening, the couple were whisked to the royal suite at the Hotel Saskatchewan.

The tour that began Monday in New Brunswick wraps up Wednesday in Regina with more presentations of Diamond Jubilee Medals, the chance to check out artifacts from a 100-year-old time capsule, and a concert by the Regina Symphony Orchestra.