Attention photographers! Tonight is your last chance this year to catch the phenomenon known as Torontohenge.

At sunset, which occurs at 6:18 p.m., the sun will line up perfectly with the city’s east-west streets.

“Normally when you live in a city, you don’t normally see a sunset because there are buildings in the way… tonight, if you look west, the sun will be right in your face,” astronomer Ryan Marciniak told Tuesday.

The event, which occurs twice a year at sunset and twice a year at sunrise, is a big attraction for photographers.

“It will illuminate the entire street with the orange glow of the sunset so a lot of people love to photograph it,” Marciniak added.

Torontohenge is based off of the same event that occurs during the solstice at the prehistoric monument of Stonehenge.

If you want to see Torontohenge tonight, head to any east-west street in the city, Marciniak said.

“As long as you are on any of the east-west streets you see it," he added.