After considerable debate and some product testing inside council chambers, the new “raccoon-resistant” green bins were given the green light at today’s city council meeting.

“I am going to be very happy we can actually have my green bin at the side of my house with a little twist top that the raccoons, because they don’t have opposable thumbs, can’t twist off and get into,” Coun. Glenn De Baeremaeker told CP24 Thursday.

Although city staff offered assurances that the new bins will be effective at keeping the critters out, some city councillors, including Giorgio Mammoliti and Jim Karygiannis, were not convinced.

Other councillors were concerned about the large size of the new rodent-resistant bins.

“It is going to be 100 litres, which is more than twice the size of the current bin,” Coun. Joe Cressy said.

“That is hard for a lot of residents, especially in downtown wards where there is a lot of dense houses and not a lot of space for them.”

Some councillors recommended phasing in the new bins to determine if they will work out in the long-term.

Staff has promised to work with individuals who find the size to be unmanageable.

Ward 2 Coun. Rob Ford, who voted against the new bins, said the solution to keeping raccoons out of the garbage is simple.

“When you are trying to stay away from raccoons put your garbage in the garage,” he said.

“My residents don’t call me about the green bins.”

The bins, which were approved by a vote of 35-5, will be rolled out in late 2015 or early 2016.