Nurses in Ontario could soon be allowed to dispense medication in certain circumstances.

Premier Kathleen Wynne said Friday that the province is working with the College of Nurses of Ontario to expand the functions of registered nurses and registered nurse practitioners.

“We’re working with our nursing partners to expand the kind of services you offer,” Wynne told a crowded room at the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario general meeting. “I know how important it is that your scope of practice is allowed to further match your expertise.”

Changes could include allowing registered nurses to prescribe certain medications and allowing nurse practitioners to prescribe controlled substances when patients don’t have quick access to a pharmacy, Wynne said.

The RNAO welcomed the news in a release sent out jointly with the province.

“RNAO is delighted with the announcement made by Premier Kathleen Wynne,” said Dr. Doris Grinspun, the association’s CEO. “It demonstrates the government's commitment to increasing timely access to quality care for the public, and recognizes the central role Ontario's nurses play in our health system.”

A report issued by the RNAO last year called for the role of nurses to be expanded.

The province has already moved to allow nurses to perform more functions, such as admitting and discharging patients from hospital and ordering laboratory tests.

Wynne said we could start to see changes in the system as early as this fall, following consultation with the Ontario College of Nurses and the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario.

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