Surveillance camera footage has confirmed that Doug Ford was the one spotted at a west-end Tim Horton’s on Tuesday and not his mayor brother, a report in the Toronto Star says.

“It is, for sure, Doug,” company spokesperson Michelle Robichaud is reported to have told the paper. “That’s all I want to say right now — that it was reviewed internally and we can confirm it’s Doug.”

On Wednesday a woman named Cayla Clarkson told media outlets that she saw the mayor enter the coffee shop near Keele and Dundas streets and emerge a short time later after picking up a coffee and changing into a grey sweat suit.

Doug Ford then told CP24 that he was the one who was at the coffee shop and not his brother.

The confusion nonetheless resulted in speculation over the mayor’s whereabouts and whether he is in fact enrolled in a rehabilitation facility for substance abuse issues.

“I am just shocked the media is running with this,” Doug Ford told CP24 on Wednesday. “You don’t go anywhere with Rob Ford without a hundred people taking pictures.”

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