The president of the Toronto Police Association says he is concerned about a video circulating online that accuses a Toronto police officer of police brutality.

In the video, which was posted on YouTube earlier this week, a male, who is off-camera, is heard asking a police officer sitting inside a cruiser for his papers. The man then asks the officer why he was pulled over and the officer indicates it was for a Highway Traffic Act investigation. When the man behind the camera leans into the car and captures the officer’s name tag on camera, the camera shakes and what occurs in the rest of the video is not clear.

Mike McCormack, the police union president, responded to questions about the video on Thursday.

“There is no context to this video. It is a small snippet of a larger interaction and you could interpret it as there may be a potential here of officer baiting,” McCormack told reporters.

“We don’t encourage anybody to put their hands inside a police vehicle while the officers are doing their job. There is an officer safety issue.”