NEW YORK - A cookbook author involved in a lawsuit with Jerry Seinfeld's wife says she wasn't amused by jokes the comedian made last year on late-night television.
In federal court papers for a December hearing, Missy Chase Lapine says her seven-year-old daughter was upset after Seinfeld joked that people with three names -- James Earl Ray and Mark David Chapman, for instance -- turned out to be assassins.

Lapine claims Jessica Seinfeld got ideas for the "Deceptively Delicious" cookbook from Lapine's "Sneaky Chef."

The Seinfelds' attorney said Wednesday: "As a comedian, Jerry has a right under the First Amendment to tell jokes. Ms. Lapine, on the other hand, was not joking when she maliciously accused Jessica Seinfeld, who also has young children, of plagiarism, a charge that is demonstrably false."