MONTREAL - It's official. Here in Canada, a playoff hockey game comes first before an official election debate.

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe has managed to get the Broadcasting Consortium to agree to move the date of the French language leaders debate from Thursday, April 14 to Wednesday April 13.

Duceppe argued Sunday afternoon that Quebecers would be watching the Montreal Canadiens play their first playoff  game of the Stanley Cup Championship instead of paying attention to the debate.

The leaders of the Conservative, Liberal and NDP agreed.

A few hours later, the Consortium changed the date and issued the following statement.

"The change was made with the consent of all parties participating in the debates and is in keeping with the Consortium's goal of ensuring debates are scheduled to reach as wide an audience as possible.

"The Broadcasting Consortium believes this schedule modification is in the best interest of the general public."

The English-language debate is scheduled for Tuesday at 7 p.m. It will be shown live on CP24.