Shania Twain has found love again.

The Timmins, Ont., native is planning to marry Swiss businessman Frederic Thiebaud. The news was first reported in US Weekly and later confirmed by Twain's manager.

A Twain representative tells the magazine the 45-year-old country superstar became engaged to Thiebaud about two months ago.

Thiebaud is the ex-husband of Twain's former friend Marie-Anne Thiebaud -- the woman who allegedly came between Twain and her first husband, Robert (Mutt) Lange.

Twain and Lange finalized their divorce earlier this year.

Though Twain hasn't released an album of new material since 2002's "Up," she's been in the news frequently of late.

She will have her own TV show on Oprah Winfrey's soon-to-launch cable channel called "Why Not? With Shania Twain," she's announced plans to release a memoir next year and she also popped up as a guest judge on the last season of "American Idol."

Twain wrote about her romance with Thiebaud in a blog entry on her official website last August.

"A dear friend and true gentleman by the name of Fred, has been the most constant companion of support for both Eja and me, and having gone through the suffering of his family splitting apart at the same time under the same extreme circumstances, he understood me better than anyone," she wrote.

"We leaned on one another through the ups and downs, taking turns holding each other up. We've become stronger and closer through it all, as have our children Eja and (Thiebaud's daughter) Johanna."

- With files from The Associated Press