Ontario is reporting 88 new COVID-19 infections on Wednesday as well as two new deaths, marking the first time in six days that daily case growth was less than 100.

Ontario reported 100 cases on Tuesday, 105 on Monday, 115 on Sunday and 108 on Saturday.

"Locally, 29 of Ontario’s 34 public health units are reporting five or fewer cases, with 20 reporting no new cases," Health Minister Christine Elliott said on Twitter.

It's the lowest number of positive results since Aug. 20, when the province reported 76 infections but cautioned that some health units had trouble submitting test data.

There have now been 41,695 lab-confirmed cases of infection in the province, with 2,802 deaths and 37,863 recoveries.

There are now 1,030 active cases of infection in Ontario, down 29 from Tuesday.

Elliott said provincial labs processed almost 22,000 test specimens, up 2,000 from Tuesday.

Wednesday's results generated a positivity rate of 0.4 per cent.

A further 20,716 test specimens remain under investigation

Fifty-nine per cent of new infections occurred in people aged 39 or younger.

Peel Region reported 22 new cases, Toronto reported 23, York Region reported 7 and Ottawa reported 16.

Ontario's hospital occupancy due to COVID-19 rose slightly in the past 24 hours.

There are now 43 people being treated for COVID-19 symptoms in hospitals across Ontario, up from 41 yesterday.

Of those, 15 are in intensive care, with 10 of them breathing with the help of a ventilator.