PARIS -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is meeting French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris this morning.

The meeting is only the latest between the two leaders, who have emerged as kindred spirits in pushing a progressive global agenda at a time when right-wing nationalism is on the rise.

Macron warmly welcomed Trudeau on the steps of the grand Palais Elysee before the leaders and a handful of close advisers huddled behind closed doors.

The two are expected to discuss a range of issues, including climate change, Russia and China, as well as the rise of violent extremism and online hate in many countries.

This latest meeting comes as both leaders have struggled with low popularity numbers over the past year, raising questions about their ability to advance their shared progressive agenda.

Trudeau's meeting with Macron marks the end of a three-day visit to Europe, during which Canada, France and numerous other countries commemorated the 75th anniversary of D-Day.