NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. - Each of the six women who Robert William Pickton murdered has a story.

Thousands of pieces of evidence seized in the case tell a story as well.

There are even the words of Pickton himself, a self-professed simple man, a pig farmer, who suddenly found himself infamous.

But even though the jury heard all of these stories during Pickton's year-long trial, they are not the full story of his crimes.

The jury was warned the case was like a horror movie, but they only got the edited version.

What happened to the other 20 women he was charged with killing couldn't be shared at the trial.

Nor could the story of the one who got away.

Pickton's conviction on six counts of second-degree murder has now been upheld by the Supreme Court of Canada and the remaining 20 charges have been stayed.

The publication bans on evidence from his preliminary hearing have been lifted, though some restrictions remain in place about arguments jurors never heard.

"Justice (James) Williams said to the jury before they went out that they were in the best position of anybody to know the truth," RCMP Inspector Don Adam said to reporters on the day of the verdict.

Adam was lead investigator on the case.

"For the people who actually sat there through all of this, did you actually believe that? I don't think so. I think the people who heard the most were in the best position."

This is what those people heard.

Bones and blood for all of the six women were discovered scattered around the farm.

Jurors saw photos of the severed heads of Mona Wilson, Sereena Abotsway and Andrea Josebury in buckets.

But they didn't hear that alongside those buckets in the freezer was packaged meat with traces of human DNA.

The meat had been processed for human consumption.

"It's very disturbing to think about, but (there is) the possibility of some cross-contamination," B.C.'s Provincial Health Officer Dr. Perry Kendall testified during the preliminary hearings.

"But the degree of it, or when or how much, we really don't know."

The DNA matched two of the other women Pickton was charged with killing, Cindy Feliks and Inga Hall.

Hall's DNA was also found on a clump of hair in Pickton's slaughterhouse, while the bone of a third woman, Wendy Crawford, was found in a manure cistern near the slaughterhouse.

But because the evidence wasn't similar enough to the six cases brought at the first trial, the judge said the jury couldn't know about any of it.

The jurors did hear testimony from Andrew Bellwood, who told the jury that Pickton had once described to him how he would grab handcuffs from under his mattress, restrain a woman from behind, strangle her and take her to his slaughterhouse to be butchered.

What they weren't told is that there was someone else who could potentially corroborate the story.

In 1997, four years before the last victim Pickton is accused of murdering, a woman got into his car and went out with him to the farm in Port Coquitlam in exchange for $100.

She testified at Pickton's preliminary hearing that after they had sex, he came up behind her and slipped a handcuff onto one of her wrists.

She grabbed a knife and slashed him across the neck and arm before bolting out of the house and down the road.

The woman, whose name is banned from publication, was taken to hospital with life-threatening stab wounds by a couple driving down the road adjacent to the property.

She was still holding the knife and the handcuff was still on her wrist.

Pickton arrived later at the same hospital and a key was found in his clothes. It matched the woman's handcuff.

Pickton's clothes were seized. He was later charged with attempted murder, but the charges were stayed.

It was later discovered that on his seized clothes was the DNA of two other women he was charged with killing: Cara Ellis and Andrea Borhaven.

The woman's story was never told at trial in part because the defence argued she was completely unbelievable.

Defence lawyers introduced testimony suggesting she was prone to hallucinations and paranoid behaviour, addicted to drugs and completely unstable.

They also argued that Bellwood had motive to lie about the handcuff story because he had once been beaten up by Pickton's friends.

The Crown tried another tack, that Pickton's use of handcuffs echoed the discovery of Brenda Wolfe's DNA on a set of handcuff keys in the farm. She was one of the six Pickton went on trial for killing.

In the end, the judge sided with the defence on the matter, even while conceding that his ruling may seem to "offend common sense."

"I have found (her) evidence to be of minimal probative value," wrote Justice James Williams.

"On the other hand, the potential for prejudice that it carries is very substantial. There is no question but that its potential prejudicial effects substantially outweigh its probative value."

Pickton was convicted of killing Wilson, Wolfe, Abotsway, Joesbury, Georgina Papin and Marnie Frey.

The jury didn't find him guilty of first-degree murder, but second-degree, suggesting there was some doubt about whether Pickton had planned the crimes.

After their verdict was revealed, Adam suggested it was because they didn't have the full story.

What would happen, he wondered, when the day came and all that the public didn't know was laid bare.

"I believe we let them down," Adam said. "Haven't we betrayed them?"

Pickton, who turns 61 in October, is serving a life sentence in prison, with no possibility of parole for 25 years.

He was also charged in the deaths of Diane Rock, Kerry Koski, Debra Lynne Jones, Tiffany Drew, Angela Jardine, Diana Melnick, Jacqueline McDonell, Heather Bottomley, Jennifer Furminger, Helen Hallmark, Patricia Johnson, Heather Chinnock, Tanya Holyk and Sherry Irving.