A plume of smoke hovered above Queen's Park Saturday as an estimated 15,000 marijuana activists lit up in a coordinated act of civil disobedience.

The massive smoking session was held to mark the conclusion of the Toronto edition of the Global Marijuana March.

In its 14th year, the march is now held in more than 100 cities around the world.

"We know the majority of Canadians think marijuana should be legal, we know that all the research from the Canadian Senate down to medical studies show that marijuana prohibition causes more harm than good and with all that evidence you have to wonder why marijuana is still illegal," event organizer and marijuana activist Jodie Emery told CP24. "That's what today is about. We want to show that there are many people worldwide that want to end prohibition and it is not just the pot smokers. It's mom's, it's dad's, it's all sorts of people in society."

Protesters began gathering in Queen's Park at 12 p.m., before marching throughout the downtown core.

At around 4 p.m. the protesters made their way back to Queen's Park, where the smell of marijuana smoke soon filled the air.

A heavy police presence kept an eye on the activities, but did not issue any tickets or make any arrests for marijuana possession.

One officer told CP24 that police were instructed to turn a blind eye due to the difficulty they would have had enforcing marijuana laws with so many people in clear violation.