TORONTO - Members of the Ontario legislature will vote today on a private member's bill that would put a cap of $3,250 on the province's estate administration tax.

Progressive Conservative Monte McNaughton calls it a death tax on grieving families that he says amounts to another government cash grab.

McNaughton says the Liberals made significant changes to the estate tax this year, including the threat of harsh fines and jail time for estate trustees if an assessment isn't filed within 90 days.

Deputy Premier Deb Matthews says the government did not change the amount of the estate tax or change the way it is calculated, and accuses McNaughton of trying to reduce taxes for "the most wealthy people."

McNaughton says the death tax can amount to tens of thousands of dollars on family farms and small businesses, which can force the next generation to sell.

And he says the estate administration tax should not be levied on charitable bequests and donations of the deceased.