Mark one down in the win column for Mayor Rob Ford.

At Monday's executive committee meeting, Ford tabled a motion asking council members for their support in his bid to scrap the city's five-cent plastic bag fee, which was introduced on June 1, 2009.

Shortly after 8:30 p.m., he got his wish as the 13-member committee - filled with Ford allies - voted to rescind the bylaw that requires retailers to charge the fee effective July 1.

The motion will be put to a full council vote on June 6.

On his weekly radio talk show Sunday, Ford said the tax has served its purpose and needs to be scrapped, repeating a vow he made last year.

The fee generates about $5.4 million a year, but the money doesn't go to the city – it's kept by retailers.

The fee was billed as a way to promote the use of reusable shopping bags and to cut down the amount of bags that wind up at city landfills.

A staff report released Monday called on the city to ask major retailers to donate a portion of the money they rake in from the fee to help to restore Toronto's tree canopy.

In addition to the plastic bag fee, the committee considered two anti-casino motions Monday.

One motion sought to reaffirm the 1997 referendum result rejecting a casino, while the second motion sought to rule out Ontario Place as a location for a casino in Toronto.

Ford said he wants more study done on the issue, and introduced a motion for a comprehensive report on the revenue and jobs that a casino facility would create.

"We have to look at all the alternatives and see what's best for the taxpayers and residents of the city," Ford said on Monday.

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