The Ford brothers' weigh-ins are now a biweekly affair.

When their Cut the Waist campaign began in mid-January, Mayor Rob Ford and Coun. Doug Ford promised to step on the scale on a weekly basis, but the weigh-ins soon became a semi-regular event.

On Monday, Ford spokesman George Christopoulos told the media the Fords will weigh in "every other week" until the six-month campaign ends.

The next weigh-in will take place May 21.

At last Tuesday's weigh-in, the Fords went in opposite directions, with Rob Ford adding a few pounds and Doug Ford shedding a few more.

The mayor put on four pounds and weighed in at 314, while Doug Ford was down to 247 pounds.

Rob Ford has lost a total of 16 pounds since the weight-loss campaign began, although his weight has been steady near 312 pounds for a few weeks.

Doug Ford is down 28 pounds since the campaign began. He weighed 275 pounds when the Fords kicked off the campaign.

Rob Ford is trying to shed 50 pounds before the campaign ends.

The Ford brothers are losing weight to promote healthy living and raise money for local charities. They continue to collect pledges on the campaign's website.

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