Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield has officially assumed control of the International Space Station.

Hadfield took over from fellow astronaut Kevin Ford shortly after at 5 p.m. eastern time, becoming the first Canadian to command the space station.

In a statement released Wednesday morning, Queen Elizabeth II congratulated Hadfield.

“I am pleased to transmit my personal best wishes, and those of all Canadians, to Colonel Christopher Hadfield as he takes command of the International Space Station on Wednesday,” she wrote. “Our thoughts and best wishes are with him and the entire crew, as are our prayers for an eventual safe return to family, friends and fellow Canadians.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper also congratulated Hadfield on Wednesday, tweeting that his accomplishments are a point of “national pride.”

Hadfield has received international attention for the photos of space he has regularly published on his Twitter account since arriving at the International Space Station in December. He has also held special sessions with classrooms from space in an effort to teach children more about the space program.

On Wednesday morning he used the medium to tell his 509,000 followers about his plans for the day, ahead of assuming command.

“Good Morning, Earth! A Wednesday in space, time for 16 sunrises, a day of research work, and tonight Kevin hands me the spaceship's keys,” he wrote.

Hadfield is expected to return to earth sometime in May.

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