Rob Ford apologized today during his two-hour weekly radio show. Here are some highlights of what he said:

On his transgressions:

"I am not perfect. I have made mistakes and all I can do right now is apologize for the mistakes."

"If there is a button that I could push to change everything I would, but unfortunately there is no button that exists."

"It is what it is and I can't change it," Rob Ford about the mistakes of his past.

On making changes:

"I want to move forward, but I also know to move forward I have to make changes in my life, which I assure you I will do."

"It is all self-inflicted, I take full responsibility for it and it will change. I guarantee it is going to change."

"I am not going to sit here and say I am never going to drink again. That is not realistic."

On being drunk overnight at City Hall

"St Patrick's Day got a little out of control. I can't change the past."

"I have to maybe slow down on my drinking I don't know what else I can say."

"It is embarrassing as hell sitting here but what can I do. I am only human."

On the video:

"When the video is released I am going to explain to the best of my mind what is in that video or videos."

On his record:

"I don't want to toot my own horn but when it comes to fiscal policy I am the best mayor the city has had. Personally I can't say that."