The OPP is lurching into a long weekend blitz as they aim to crack down on unsafe driving behaviours.

Police say they'll be focusing on the "big three" causes of injuries – aggressive driving, drinking and driving and poor seatbelt use.

Drinking and driving offences continue to be the leading criminal cause of death in this province, police say.

The number of road fatalities has also been on the rise since the Canada Day long weekend.

"Really, we didn't expect this to happen. All of a sudden, people were just ignoring the rules of the road," says Sgt. Dave Woodfoord.

Since it launched the Provincial Safety Program in 2008, the number of deaths on the roads fell from 451 the year before to 322.

This year, however, there have already been 163 traffic fatalities on roads patrolled by the OPP compared to 154 in the same time period last year.