Snippets of a city service review are being released in phases this week in a series of standing committee reports at city hall.

The latest segment was released to the economic development committee Tuesday morning.

According to the report, , which was conducted by KPMG consultants, the city could save millions by reducing or eliminating all of its cultural services funding, including arts programming, cultural development, events programming and heritage programming and support.

These are the areas that involve art education, exhibits, conservation, grants, and museum and heritage programs.

The report suggests another way to save costs would be to reduce or eliminate any or all of the activities associated within business services.

Despite the potential for millions in savings, doing so could hurt small businesses, slow job and investment growth and slow down turnaround times for film permits, the report stated.

Processing times for film permits are currently above standards, according to the report.

In addition to film permits, the business services program helps to train 7,000 entrepreneurs each year, and assists small and large businesses with networking.

The report also found that the city could consider scrapping financial support for business improvement areas or find a way to charge BIAs for previous funding.

According to the consultants, the city could also find savings by:

  • Eliminating "last resort" benefits, which cover "medically necessary" items for seniors and people with disabilities
  • Contracting out some employment services duties, including job training programs and job placement programs
  • Reducing or eliminating services within the Welcome Policy application and Christmas Bureau referral administration

KPMG ranked identified the potential savings for each recommendation with a high, medium or low rating.

On Monday, a report to the public works and infrastructure committee found that introducing and expanding the contracting of solid waste collection is the most significant cost reduction opportunity.