BRUSSELS, Belgium -- The NATO alliance on Tuesday accused Russia of continued violations of its international commitments and Ukraine's sovereignty and said it will directly confront Moscow with the allegations during a special meeting.

"We will engage with Russia in the NATO-Russia council" to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine's southern Crimean peninsula, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said following Tuesday's meeting of alliance ambassadors assessing the crisis.

Russia took over the Crimean peninsula on Saturday, placing its troops around the region's military bases and border posts.

On Tuesday, tensions remained high with troops loyal to Moscow firing warning shots to ward off protesting Ukrainian soldiers.

"Despite repeated calls by the international community, Russia continues to violate Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and continues to violate its international commitments," Rasmussen said.

"NATO allies stand together in spirit of strong solidarity in this grave crisis," he added.

Rasmussen has said Russia's military intervention in Ukraine is in violation of the U.N. charter and threatens peace and security in Europe.