Where Colin Stands on the Big Issues Facing Toronto:

1. What are your thoughts on Transit City?

"I would love to implement it if the province gives us the money, but we also need to look at building new subways. Subways are what make the city work. The reason New York and London are so well off is because they have a great subway system. Those cities kept building subways even when they didn't need them, that's the type of vision we need here."

2. Bike lanes have become a heated topic during this campaign. Where do you stand on the issue?

"Everyone needs to travel around the city on bikes. We need more bike lanes, but we also need to get cyclists and drivers better educated. I see drivers and cyclists doing wrong things on the road. I think that should be part of the ministry of transportation's curriculum.

3. How do you feel about the idea of charging road tolls?

"I'm all for them, but not for Toronto residents. People from the 905 come in and use our roads a lot more than I do. Everybody needs to pay their way, road tolls could help pay for pot-holes and other maintenance."

4. How do you plan on bringing "new life" to the city?

"I would like to make the island more accessible, we need more events out there and I think it would be an even better asset for the city."

5. How important is accountability while you are in office and how do you plan on monitoring this?

"The biggest part of running for mayor. I think there's a disconnect between city council and the general population."

6. What are your plans for the city's budget including property taxes?

"We have to open up the books and see where things are being spent and thing long-term, not short-term, and see how we can spend taxpayer dollars better. I want to get rid of the vehicle registration tax considering we use the roads in this city very little, it's outsiders that use our roads."