There is some bittersweet news for the parents of Baby Kaylee, who learned today that their dying child's heart is strong enough to be donated to another sick baby.

Sick Kids hospital told parents Jason Wallace and Crystal Vitelli on Monday that their newborn's heart is strong enough to be transplanted to another child.

The hospital has agreed to harvest the organ if the baby dies soon enough after being taken off life support. 

Kaylee's parents say they will likely remove her from life support tonight.

The baby has a rare condition makes it unable for her to breathe without a machine. Her parents know their daughter will die and want her heart to go to another baby.

They initially faced opposition from doctors who said Kaylee's heart wouldn't be usable for transplant because it would take her too long to die after being taken off life support.

Provincial Health Minister David Caplan says he will not interfere in the case.