During an emotional speech to Mississauga city councillors, Bonnie Crombie announced Wednesday that her final day as mayor of Ontario’s third largest city will be Jan. 12.

Crombie, who was selected as the new leader of the Ontario Liberal Party earlier this month, submitted her resignation letter on Wednesday morning at what will be her last city council meeting as mayor of Mississauga.

“For nearly a decade I have had the honour of serving the residents of Mississauga as the mayor and before that as councillor for Ward 5 and I want to thank the residents for the confidence and trust they placed in me to lead the city,” she said, holding back tears.

“Mississauga is my home, the place I chose to raise my kids and I’m incredibly proud of the work we have all done here together to grow and transform our city.”

She added that she will continue to work with council to pass the 2024 budget and ensure “the city is set up for success until a new mayor is elected.”

“The issues that our residents face from housing to the cost of living to access to health care and education are the very same ones that millions of Ontarians across this province are also grappling with,” she continued.

“So it is time for me to take on a new challenge as leader of the Ontario Liberal Party in tackling these issues, these and many more.”

Crombie has not officially said when she plans to run for a seat in the Ontario legislature. She previously hinted after her leadership win that she could run in the riding held by former PC labour minister Monte McNaughton but has since backed away from the idea.

With files from The Canadian Press