The search for a missing 80-year-old woman in Hamilton has come to a tragic end.

Hamilton police confirmed on Friday that Shirley Love had been found dead.

Love was last seen on Tuesday afternoon near her residence on Mount Albion Road, walking south towards the Glendale Golf Course.

On Wednesday, police stepped up their search for Love by deploying a remotely piloted aircraft system near King’s Forest Golf Course.

Hamilton police did not say where Love was located.

“The family is asking at this time for some privacy for them in order to grieve and to manage it, but they wanted me to express their gratitude to the many community members that have come out,” Hamilton police Chief Frank Bergen said.

Bergen noted that about 300 community members joined officers in looking for Love.

“This is not the outcome that the Hamilton Police Service or any community member wanted, but at this particular time, we again thank you for your involvement,” Bergen said. “Thank you for your engagement, and remind yourself this is what Hamilton is about. We are a community.”