Police are investigating after a man says he was assaulted by four men who allegedly stole his dog in Derrydowns Park on Monday.

Speaking to CP24 Monday night, the dog’s owner, who identified himself only as Dan, said he and his dog Charlie were walking in the park, located near Jane Street and Finch Avenue, when they were approached by four men.

The alleged victim said the men, who are believed to be between the ages of 22 and 25, dismounted their bikes and asked him what he was doing in the park.

The man said when he told the group to leave him alone, one of the male suspects punched him and another pulled out a knife.

The suspects reportedly took off with the dog and were last seen heading toward Finch Avenue.

The man said Charlie, who is a four-year-old Shih Tzu Pomeranian mix, has long shaggy white fur and was wearing a black harness and a blue Maple Leaf sweater.

Police told CP24 Monday that they are investigating the incident but added that they have not found the suspects or the dog.