Security at city hall has released more information about Rob Ford’s visit to city hall the night he was denied access to the Director's Lounge at an April 5 Leafs game.

Ford was reportedly angry at the game after being turned away from the lounge and a video posted on Tumblr showed a visibly upset Ford leaning against a wall saying, ‘It’s bull----,” to an Air Canada Centre security guard. It is not possible, however, to determine if the video was taken on the night of the game.

After leaving the Air Canada Centre sometime after 10 p.m., Ford and two visitors took a trip to his city hall office and the security document says that around 11:45 p.m., “a couple of the mayor’s guests left city hall.”

It is not known what Ford was doing at his office at that hour.

At around midnight, media, including Toronto Star reporters Daniel Dale and Robyn Doolittle, arrived at city hall.

Ford, the report said, left city hall in a taxi at around 1:30 a.m. without speaking to media. Later that night, Ford was spotted at Muzik nightclub.

When asked about the incident at city hall two days later, Ford said he was not irate as some suggested but was upset because he believed he was refused access as payback for voting against providing Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment with a $10-million loan to expand BMO Field.

“It they are upset with me fine; I am not upset with them,” Ford said at the time.

Ford also quickly dismissed rumours that he was intoxicated at the game.

“You are trying to find something that is not there. There is absolutely nothing there,” Ford told reporters on April 7.

“I was getting mobbed, which I thank the supporters a lot for. I never got kicked out of the game, I had a great time and that is pretty much it.”