MONTREAL - The godfather of a young female soldier killed in Afghanistan just two weeks into her first deployment fears the young woman's sacrifice was in vain.

Echoing the sentiment of many Quebecers, who have consistently been among the most vocal opponents of the controversial mission, Mario Blais said it's time for Ottawa to pull Canadian troops out.

"I think she did this for absolutely nothing," Blais said during a telephone interview.

"The Russians were in Afghanistan for many years and they couldn't push them back. I ask myself what Canada is doing. We were blue berets, now we're fighters."

Blais made the comments after learning his 21-year-old goddaughter, Karine Blais, had been killed Monday by a roadside bomb north of Kandahar City.

She is the second female Canadian soldier to die in Afghanistan since the mission began in 2002.

Blais said Prime Minister Stephen Harper should "get the troops out of there as fast as possible" and that the Canadian military should return to its peacekeeping roots.

"I'm worried for all those who are there," he said of the latest rotation comprised largely of Quebecers based out of CFB Valcartier.

"I don't think it's our place at all, at all, at all. We should be leading peacekeeping missions, not combat missions like we're doing."

Blais said news of Karine's death came as a "shock" to her many friends and relatives who are now grieving in her home town of Les Mechins in eastern Quebec.

"This is a hard blow for the family," he said, adding nobody was particularly thrilled when she decided to take up a career in the military.

He said she didn't talk much about the mission before she deployed, perhaps so as not to upset them or perhaps because she didn't realize how bad it would be.

A statement released by her family Tuesday said she often asked her mother if she was proud of her.

"To answer your question, yes, we are always proud of you, despite the sadness that has enveloped us," the statement said.

"In our eyes, you were a soldier who displayed dynamic leadership and who was dedicated to your regiment. You loved your job in the military and you were very proud of yourself...

"You are our ray of sunshine and you will always be in our hearts. Your sense of humour and your vivacity will remain forever in our memories."

Blais described his goddaughter as a very social girl who grew up working at the local convenience store.

He said she enjoyed adventure and signed up for the army a few years ago when recruiters stopped by her school.

He believes she hoped the army would help her learn a trade that she could then apply outside of the military.

At gatherings during the Christmas holidays, relatives begged her to take up an administrative position, but she'd already signed up for a role on the front lines as a truck driver.

Blais said she was living with a man who is also in the army and that the two planned to buy a house.

Karine is survived by her father Gino Blais, her mother Josee Simard and her younger brother Billy.

Her death came a day before Tuesday's ceremony where the Royal 22nd Regiment, in which Blais was serving, took the reins from the 3rd Royal Canadian Regiment of Petawawa, Ont., as the primary battle group in southern Afghanistan.

Brig.-Gen. Jonathan Vance, the commander of Canadian troops in Afghanistan, praised Blais earlier in the day for her enthusiasm for the mission.

"She was an energetic soldier who gave 100 per cent to every challenge she faced using a unique sense of humour, based on her honesty," he said. "Frank and direct, she demonstrated the qualities of a future leader who was respected by all members of her squadron."

"This young woman's life did not go to waste; she believed in her role in Afghanistan and her dedication to the overall mission is beyond commendable."

Quebec Premier Jean Charest released a statement offering his condolences to the young woman's family, friends and comrades.

"These sad incidents remind us of the courage and determination our women and men who go to Afghanistan have as they don't hesitate to put their lives in danger in order to accomplish the mission for which they were entrusted," he said.

"I want to remind all of those in the military that their commitment commands our respect and admiration."

By late afternoon Tuesday, more than 80 people had added their names to a Facebook page launched in her honour.

In a posting by her cousin Sarah Harrisson, Karine was described as an "extraordinary" sister to Billy.

"I'm in shock," she wrote. "It's a big loss. A fighter who chose a risky job, my beautiful cousin, you will always be in our hearts."

Katheleen Carrier, another of her cousins, called Karine the "pride of the entire family."

"Our little fighting soldier, I'm proud of you," she wrote. "We all are.

"I will always remember your beautiful smile, your unique laugh, your sense of humour and everything you were. Rest in peace soldier Blais."

Marc Carignan, a fellow soldier based in Edmonton, said he remembers Karine from a course they took together in Saint-Jean.

"I will always remember her smile, her sense of humour and her wonderful accent," he said.

"My sympathies to her family. Courage."