Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and his brother Councillor Doug Ford are giving hosting another shot.

The controversial mayor announced Thursday that he and his outspoken brother will host a YouTube Series entitled “Ford Nation.”

That was also the name of their one-episode show on Sun television that ran in November.

The show brought in record numbers for the network but was cancelled after only one episode due to concerns about cost caused by the amount of time it took to produce the episode. 

Ford Nation will be produced by volunteers and “will cover a range of topics from politics to sports and community,” a release from the mayor’s office said.

In a promotional clip featured on their YouTube channel, the mayor starts off by commenting on his brother’s weight before Councillor Ford fires back “that’s the pot calling the kettle black.”

The Ford’s then transition the conversation to their political careers and experiences in office.

“Please judge me on my record not my personal life,” Ford says as he closes the 30-second clip.

In addition to the one-episode run on Sun, the Ford’s had previously hosted a two-hour weekly show on Newstalk 1010. That program was mutually cancelled by the brothers and the network as the mayor battled a growing scandal around his substance abuse and his ties to people with criminal convictions.

The first installment of Ford Nation will premiere Monday, Feb. 10.

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