Peel police are searching for a single suspect after a man in his 20s was shot at an address near the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga early Saturday morning.

According to Const. Thomas Ruttan, police are investigating the possibility that the man was robbed.

“Early indications are pointing in that direction but it’s very early in the investigation and I can’t comment on the sequence of events leading up to the shooting at this point,” Ruttan told CP24 at the scene. “What I can tell you is that it happened at about 5:35 a.m. and when we arrived we located a man with a gunshot wound. He was taken to hospital and he remains in hospital in stable condition.”

The man was with a friend at the time of the shooting, Ruttan said.

Following the shooting that friend ran to a nearby gas station to call police.

“There was a guy who came running to me and he was saying his buddy was shot and telling me to call the cops and I said ‘Is it critical?’ and he said ‘It’s critical’,” gas station attendant Sandeep Sehgal told CP24 at the scene. “I could see the tension on his face and it was clear that something serious had happened.”

According to emergency medical services personnel, the man was shot in the pelvis area.

Police are searching for a man who is believed to have fled the scene in a red car. The suspect’s face was obscured by a ski mask at the time of the shooting.

“We haven’t had anyone come forward yet, but we are appealing to witnesses to come forward and provide us with any information that we may not have at this point,” Ruttan told CP24.