A newly-created Facebook group is suggesting that TTC workers are fighting back against passengers as videos and photos continue to surface of poor employee conduct.

The group, "Toronto Transit Operators against public harassment," is described as a place where operators can share ideas on "how to fight back to the recent photo and video harassment from passengers just looking to make trouble for us."

A post at 8 p.m. Sunday by a woman named Ruth said "Reminder to work to rule on Monday. Check out ATU site."

The validity of campaign, however, has not been proven.

The website for the WORKERS' Amalgamated Transit Union does not contain any publicly-viewable information about a work-to-rule campaign.

TTC spokesperson Brad Ross also says he has not heard anything about the work action and said staff will not be giving interviews on the "rumour."

The private Facebook group also contains photos of vandalized TTC property and messy vehicles.