ST. CATHARINES - American daredevil Nik Wallenda will make another presentation to the Niagara Parks Commission on Thursday in a bid to walk over Niagara Falls on a tightrope.

This time, he will meet with the commission's senior staff.

The performer's dream to inch along a tightrope above the Horseshoe Falls has been rejected by the commission board, citing its anti-stunting rule.

Wallenda met earlier this month with Ontario Tourism Minister Michael Chan to plead his case. Chan told the performer he couldn't overturn the commission ruling but urged Wallenda to meet with them again.

No questions were asked of Wallenda when he made a 10-minute presentation to the commission board in November. Wallenda sees the attendance of technical staff at Thursday's meeting as a good sign.

After meeting with Wallenda, staffers will prepare a report that will be considered by the commission board, likely at their Feb. 15 meeting.